Tuesday, September 15, 2015

5 Reasons to Invest in your Health

When you hear about the word “invest”, you may automatically connect it with money.  It’s hard not to connect it to money right away because that is what drives many people; you need money to support your family or yourself.  What if I told you that you are forgetting about one of the most crucial investments you could make?  Would you guess the answer to be your health?  

In today’s world where you want instant gratification, find money to solve problems, or take a pill to temporarily cover your illness, you forget about the simple things you can do to save a large portion of your finances.  It’s about being proactive about your health.  

From the CDC’s 2013 data of deaths in the United States, it is obvious that our health is the leading cause of deaths with heart disease trumping other causes.  Heart disease can be caused by various things including:  smoking, high amounts of fats and cholesterol, high blood pressure, high amounts of sugar due to diabetes, and blood vessel inflammation.  Below are some additional reasons to invest in your health.  

1.      Living a happy and fulfilling life

You wake up in the morning followed with work and your general daily routine.  You are very busy making sure all your errands are finished by the end of the day, and you finally get to sit and enjoy a meal.  You do this 5 days a week and get a weekend full of more busy errands to run.  You are constantly doing things for other people and forgetting about the most important person - you.  

Finding meaning and hobbies that make you wake up smiling every day is very important to living a happy and fulfilling life.  It’s easy to forget about ourselves because we get more responsibilities as we grow older.  

Pause for a second.  Take a moment to be selfish and see if you are content with your life or what you could be doing to better your life.  Many times, people ask me why I’m so chill and care free.  The answer is I put my health and fitness as one of my top priorities.  It has helped me live a stress free life.

2.      Spreading healthy habits to people around you

It’s natural to spread your habits to your family and friends because they are constantly around you.  Now, what kind of habits are you hoping to spread?  

I assure you that if they notice you being more happy and healthy, they will ask you for the secret ingredient.  When people see you being able to live a content life, they will know that it is manageable and that they can also reach their goals.  You are indirectly being their role model in various ways.  It’s a great place to be so give it a try.  

An example I can give you from my life is always going for a walk during my lunch break at work.  My coworker noticed my habits and decided to join me on most of my walks.  Its small habits that can add up to a healthier lifestyle.  Find your habit you want to spread and live it out loud.  

3.      Help the fight on global warming

Did you know that living a healthier life can help the fight against global warming?  

If  you live in the same city as your work or where you go to school, consider other transportation than driving your car.  Take advantage of riding your bike, scooter, roller skating, or even running to work!  You’ll do a lot of good to your body and to the environment.  

Do you know how far your food has traveled?  It probably traveled thousands of miles adding to the CO2 to the atmosphere.  Here is a way to go around that.  Support your organic or local farmers!  Go with your family to the farmers market and find some fresh produce in your town to make nutritious meals for the week.

4.      Better Confidence and Self-esteem

I can guarantee you that investing in your health is preceded with better confidence and self-esteem because you’re either eating better or being more active.  All this leads to a possible weight loss and more positive outlook on yourself.  

You will feel like you can do more things in your life since you are able to reach certain goals.  It will lead you to less stress on your life.  

People are more attracted to others that exude confidence!

5.      Saving money

Every corner of the block is cluttered with fast food or restaurants that give you a dense meal.  Find some time in your schedule to fill your pantry with fresh foods.  You’ll see how easy, cheap, and simple it is to make your mac n cheese than going to a restaurant to pay $10 for a bowl.  At the same time, you’ll be learning how to cook.  Don’t be afraid of the kitchen!

It is quite often I hear people talk about healthy people as “too extreme” or “gym freaks”, and I can tell you that there are extremes on both ends.  Isn’t it extreme for someone to eat out every day and find themselves at the emergency room being told they need surgery due to how they eat?  It’s all about balance.  Find balance in your life.  Investing in your health will save you a lot of money from being less likely of needing that surgery or going to that emergency room visit.  

What are your reasons for investing in your health?

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