Friday, May 1, 2015

30 Day Fitness Hopes & Dreams Challenge

I created this challenge to help you reflect on your fitness and help reveal to you different improvements you can do for yourself. The first 30 days of starting to become fit are one of the hardest because your body and mind are trying to change. The more honest you can be with your answers, the better self reflection you will gain. I hope the challenge can support the gradual change you plan on doing!

1. Why do you want to be fit?
2. Please explain your current fitness level.
3. What is your ideal body image?
4. What is your definition of healthy?
5. Why is it difficult to become fit?
6. What is the least favorite part of your body?
7. How has society and the media influenced your idea of body image?
8. Is fitness a long or short term goal for you?
9. Is working out a priority to you?
10. What is one piece of bad advice you got about fitness?
11. Is eating healthy or working out harder for you and why?
12. Name a person that influences your fitness.
13. What is your current food regiment?
14. How often do you workout a week?
15. What are your personal fitness goals?
16. What is your opinion on pre made fitness routine videos?
17. What is a diet?
18. Will becoming fit make you healthy?
19. Does fitness mean losing weight?
20. What motivates you and can it be applied to fitness?
21. How do you avoid over eating?
22. Why are you the way you are right now regarding your fitness?
23. What is your definition of fat, skinny, and perfect?
24. Will you make any daily routine changes to accomplish your fitness goals?
25. Will being fit make you happy?
26. What is one piece of good advice you got about fitness?
27. What is the favorite part of your body?
28. How has your family and friends influenced your fitness?
29. What will your fitness level look like a year from now?
30. How do you feel about your fitness after completing the challenge?

1 comment:

  1. I remember this one: I think I have a partially answered copy in my drafts if I haven't already posted them. I think it's important to answer these questions again after a period of time: 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, to track a change not only in physical health, but also mental and emotional health regarding the subject.
