Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Run the OC: Bread Marathon

I attached my chest armor that provided fuel for the long journey.  It was my jet pack that carried my gas for the next four hours.  I felt like I would be able to fly to my destination in the blink of an eye like Iron Man or become one with my camel spirit animal .  It was the latter.  My upper body was geared up to provide me everything I needed for the next 26.2 miles.  

 running route

This run was my third marathon with my previous marathon being a month ago.  It was spontaneous with no formal training.  The last minute decision to run to Fullerton was to make my run more adventurous and fun.  It was a new route where I would be able to see several cities in Orange county.  With Google maps, I was able to map my route from Irvine to Fullerton through various parks, bridges, and bike paths.  This was the first long run I got to test out my hydration vest that carried 2 liters of water.  I slipped my compression socks on that would make a big difference in my performance

The marathon was very different to the past two I've done.  Since my body was used to these long distance runs, my senses were tuning more into the surroundings.  Due to California's city divisions, I was able to easily move between cities either through their parks or under their highway bridges.   As I traversed between each city, I could smell, see, and hear differences in each place.  I ran through Irvine, Tustin, Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim, Placentia, and Fullerton.  

 reaching the Tustin border
There was a huge difference after I left Irvine and entered Santa Ana.  Irvine is ranked the safest city in the nation; with this ranking, it comes with a community that is on the higher end of the socioeconomic scale.  It is rare to see any homeless people in Irvine; the opposite can be seen in Santa Ana.  Many times, California is seen as a perfect, lovely state, and it doesn't hone into the under-served communities, such as the homeless population.  People forget this community because many people drive above their homes (highway bridge) without even knowing.  I passed under several highway bridges and could see people living in tents and other appliances.  I remember seeing one of the tents with a lion teddy bear on top of the tent.  
 graffiti under the highway bridges
Each city also had distinct smells and land marks.  Every time I entered the city, I could immediately smell fast food in the air.  It was not pleasant.  The air smelled better when I got on bike paths located near the highways.  Once I reached mile 14, my eyes lit up because I recognized the Angel Stadium tower and the Honda Center.  My mind immediately told me I was in Anaheim.  It helped push me forward because I knew I was close to my destination.  I usually saw these structures when I was on the highway driving north.  The experience of running past these structures was surreal because I did not know that there was a path for running across these cities.  

 reaching the Angel Stadium

I decided to make my 20 mile destination to be 85 Bakery Cafe because I wanted to refuel with some bread instead of gulping down another runner's gel.  I consumed two energy gels by the time I reached the bakery.  If you have not taken an energy gel before, its like eating sugar in liquid form with a slimy texture.  By the time I reached the entrance, I was drenched in sweat.  I wiped my sweat with a small towel before I entered the store because I wanted to look semi descent.  I happily entered the shop; the only thing going through my mind was wanting to eat fresh bread and a sea salt iced tea.
 20 mile marker at 85 Bakery Cafe
The original plan for my run was to complete the 20 miles to the bakery, but I wanted to add another 6.2 miles to make it a full marathon.  During mile 7, I messaged my friend who lives in Fullerton to see if she would join me in the additional miles.  It was 9:31am, and I told her I would be in her area around 11:30am.  I got very excited when she agreed to run with me because it gets slightly lonely after 3 straight hours of running.  My music can only keep me entertained for so long.  

While I was in the bakery refueling with bread and a drink, I messaged my friend, "I'm at 85 eating bread lol meet me here?".  I knew that text would instantly make her laugh, and I was right.  Luckily, she lives right across the street from the bakery, so she came into the shop seeing me gulp down the iced tea and nibbling at the bread.  I would have vacuumed the bread in an instant, but the taste and texture of the mango bread was not enjoyable; only half was eaten.  

 refueling with mango bread

A car drive from Irvine to Fullerton usually takes me about 20 to 30 minutes (if traffic is nice), which translated to a 3 hour and 33 minute jog (20 miles).  It was unusual for my friend and I to think that I got into Fullerton without a car.  As we continued to talk while I slurped my drink, my body was able to get a nice, easy stretch and rest before finishing the last 6.2 miles.  

For the last miles, I did not have a set route, so we decided to run a straight path right to downtown Fullerton.  The run was very nice having company and being able to go at a pace where we both could talk.  My body was drained by the time we started, so I knew my friend's pace would be able to help push me in my speed.  As we finished the last mile of the run, I was very impressed with my friend because its been awhile since she ran 6 miles (10K).  It was both of our energy and motivation that helped us complete the run.  

I can now say I completed a one way marathon route from Irvine to Fullerton.  Once the marathon was over, I felt better than the past two marathons I've run.  My body was adjusting to the long distances, and I was excited to see what else I could do with my thunder thighs.  More running adventures await me, but I should probably take some time to heal and replenish my body.  

Once we got back to my friends apartment, we rested for a few minutes before heading to Banh Mi Che Cali.  There was no time to waste because my body was craving real food.  The first bite into the banh mi was breathtaking as if I was reliving my childhood when my mom would come home from the grocery store with my favorite sandwich.  I was savoring each bite of the sandwich.  Within a few minutes, it was gone and my stomach was satisfied.  It is after these long runs is when I really can enjoy food because my body is craving calories after losing over a days worth of energy.  I sat at the restaurant with a happy stomach and with the satisfaction of finishing my third personal marathon.  After lunch, my friend drove me back home to Irvine where I would spend the rest of the day being lazy and relaxing.  

 post workout lunch
I conclude this post with a quote from my running inspiration, “I run because if I didn’t, I’d be sluggish and glum and spend too much time on the couch. I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary. I run…to savor the trip along the way. Life becomes a little more vibrant, a little more intense. I like that, " Dean Karnazes.

running summary

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