Saturday, August 22, 2015

Deadly 18 Mile Adventure

"I could become the hunted if I don't beat the sunset", these words whispered in my head as I realized I was completely alone from human existence. My goal for this run was a general catch up to my training schedule. I got tired of my regular street runs, so I wanted to make this one more adventurous. Two hours later, I realized I was given too much of an adventure than I could handle.

With every new run I try, I map my route so I know the distance, landscape, and elevation. I routed the new run along a wilderness preserve I have not been to and it totaled to 18 miles between Irvine and Laguna Beach.  The elevation reached over 1,000 ft which would be the highest elevation I have run to date. 

The view of Irvine on top of a canyon
I got off work early, so it was a perfect time to try the route. It was my first time doing a long distance run in the late afternoon hours. I calculated my time to be 9 minute miles, so I predicted finishing the run right at sunset. I knew the best benefit of running at this time: I wouldn't suffer from heat and the scorching sun. What I didn't calculate was the dangers that came along for this ride.

The climb up the hills
All my gear was on and I left the house at 5pm. The first 3 miles me running to the entrance of the trail. From looking at the route, I knew the first 8 miles were going to be mostly up hill so the rest of the time would be downhill runs. I passed along an older couple that were walking along the trail. The first few miles were along the sides of houses and eventually I was at a high enough elevation to see all the house and places in Irvine. It was a spectacular view, and it was as if I could touch the clouds.

The view of no buildings or streets
The direction of the trail started making me head away from civilization. I passed a fellow runner and wondered how far he had run. From the looks of it, he didn't have a water bottle or other equipment so he may have done a few miles and looped back. I continued the run into the wildness preserve and the trail took me along upscale houses. The trail was high enough for me to see their beautiful pools in their back yards. I've always wondered about those nice houses on top of the hills.  How often do they see runners in their backyards? I'm guessing not often because I didn't run into another person for another hour.

Hand size tarantula
What changed my mood in the run was when I ran into a huge monster. It was a tarantula the size of my hand! I've never seen a wild tarantula in my life. I stopped and we had a stare down. I was hoping it was not one of those jumping tarantulas. I took a quick picture of it and ran around it. This was when fear crept into my thoughts. What else will I run into? This reserve was the home of all wildlife. I remember reading signs warning travelers of rattle snakes and mountain lions. At this point, I was not prepared at all. What would happen if I got bit by a snake or attacked by a mountain lion? I wanted to be more aware of my surroundings so I took my headphones off. The only sounds I listened to for the rest of the run was the soft whispers of Mother Nature.

Solitude in nature
Hill after hill, I was getting very tired. I finally ran into a biker coming down my way as he whizzed pass me. I ran up another hill after passing the biker and realized I could no longer see houses, highways, cars, or people. I was in pure solitude with nature. If I sprained my ankle, what would I do? Would a helicopter have to come get me if I got injured? I was now aware of the dangers of the area, so I took each step with caution.  Usually, I would enjoy this type of solitude and view if it was in the morning.  The timing of this run made me nervous because it put me on a schedule where I could not stop. 

The point of getting lost
I was coming up to mile 10, and I was relieved because it meant I was over half way done and the rest of the run was mostly down hill.  I could see the highway to Laguna barricaded by fences.  I took the wrong turn by going under the highway so I had to run back to the location and take the trail that was closed off.  I climbed in between the main gate and hoped I was going the right direction.  I was frustrated at myself for taking the wrong turn because it meant less time for me to get out of these fields.  The sun was so low that I was able to take off my shades without squinting.

It might sound nice that the rest of the course was downhill, but downhill doesn't always play well with your knees.  I felt like a horse galloping downhill and trying to keep my face from hitting the ground.  Running miles on a trail seemed longer than running on the streets.  It may be due to the rough paths and few distractions.  A grin swept over my face once I made it to mile 12 because I found a hiker and some mountain bike enthusiasts.  I had to jump over one more gated area and I landed too rough because I could feel my right calf almost cramp up.  I had to be very careful at this point because my legs could cramp up at any moment and I would not be able to move.  From the looks of it, I was near a ranch.  I was thankful that there were other people in the area, so they would be able to help if I passed out.

Throughout the first ten miles, there were no water fountains.  At the end of Bommer Canyon on mile 14, I found a fountain where I replenished my water.  I ate 3 gel shots at this point so my mouth was full of sweets.  I was finally out of the canyon and started running towards the next canyon that was very populated with people.  I recognized Shady Canyon because I run it on a regular basis.  The sun was setting and I was happy to make it out of Bommer Canyon without any scratches or running into mountain lions.  My walk/jog for the last three miles was used to reflect on the 3 hour adventure I just did and the lessons I have learned.

Recovery Drink

After long runs, I usually have a nice cold electrolyte drink.  I take a cold shower and let my body get back to its regular speed after being out in the sun for hours.  Once I am ready to ingest food, I make my recover drink to fuel my body.  Here is a simple recipe that will give you the perfect amount of carbs and protein.  

1 serving
410 calories
  • 1/2 cup fat free milk
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp chia seed
  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 scoop whey protein
  1. Put all the ingredients besides the in a blender and mix until smooth
  2. Enjoy!

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