Wednesday, September 9, 2015

5 Tips to Start Exercising

We have all found ourselves so busy with our schedules that our health becomes the last thing on our mind until something drastic happens.  Here are tips and a reminder to be proactive and get yourself off the couch:

1. Find a friend to join you

Depending on the type of person you are, it may be nice to have a companion accompany you to the gym or for a run. You can keep each other accountable on being more active if both of you have similar goals. If you have a friend that is already active, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to provide support and suggestions on getting started. Just ask them. 

2. Find an activity that you are comfortable with

Many people are intimidated with the gym especially the weight room because you see so many buff people. Remind yourself that they all had to start somewhere and they were not born that way. They were also in your place. If you feel that going to the gym is not right for you at the moment, find an activity that works for your schedule and you feel comfortable doing. Running is a great place to start. It's all about doing something. 

3. Set  reachable goals 

Taking some time to list reachable goals is a great to do before you start working out. It lays out your ideas and it can be a reminder and motivator when you're not feeling up for a workout.  When you're working towards a goal, you're more likely to stick to it. Try putting a specific date on some of them to see if you can reach your goals at that time. 

4. Schedule it into your week

It's easy to make the excuse of not having time for certain things during the day. We all have the same amount of time during the day so it's all about making it a priority if it's important to you. It's your health so I hope you make it important to you. Before your work week starts, make a plan of when you will fit in your 30 minute workout for at least 3 times a week. Organizing workouts into your week will save you a lot of excuses. Now go and schedule.  

5. Just start moving
Your workouts don't need to be so intense that you're out of breath and hurting. It's all about being active whether you're going for a 20 minute walk or doing some push-ups before sleeping. If you have a family, have them join you. Join your kids with an outdoor activity. Put the television remote down, and go outside. 

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