Friday, September 11, 2015

8 Ways to Live a Less Stressed Life

Make sure you read the title correctly.  I said "less stressed" and not "stressless".  Stress will always be part of you life, but it is how you manage it that will show in your daily life.  There will always be the ups and downs, so be present when you are experiencing the ups.  I try my best to live a life that is carefree and free-spirited because I know in the long run it will help me live a more positive life.  This is also a great place to start if you're not ready to start a regular workout routine because you're stressed about other things in your life, so below are a few ways to help live a happier life. 

1. Get Your sleep on a regular routine 

I used to be a college student, so I do remember the late nights of studying, all nighters before exams, or even just going out with friends on the weekend until the sunrises. As we get older, our bodies may not be able to keep up and are asking for us to find a more regular routine. Adjusting your sleep schedule can make a big difference on your attitude and productivity during the day. Personally, I try my best to get to bed before 10pm and get at least 7 hours of sleep. I make sure I have my gym clothes and work clothes laid out for the next day and have my lunch ready so I can have a more relaxing morning. When I get ready to sleep, I turn my phone on vibrate and my wifi off because I don't want to get disturbed by social media notifications. Having an unregulated sleep schedule can lead to more stress and even issues later in life so try your best to get the amount of sleep you need to be happy when you wake up. 

2. Organize your life 

I know...this is really broad but it's meant that way because many of us have such different lives. Whatever your lifestyle, organize your schedule so you can be more prepared and less stressed. It's all about decluttering your physical surroundings and mind. There's always a way that works for your lifestyle, whether it is writing your priorities on paper or using apps to help keep you sane. 

3. Live in the present 

All too often, I hear about the past and regrets. We have one life to live and we live such busy lives that we forget to enjoy the present. Put your phone down when you're with friends and listen and engage in the conversation. Turn off the tv and just enjoy the dinner in front of you with all the flavors swirling around your taste buds. Put your homework down, and go outside to enjoy some sun and fresh air. Look around you and remind yourself of some gratifications and privileges you have. It's about being conscious of the moment and not letting it pass you by to only remember it with photos. Remember your special moments with all of your senses. 

4.  Treat yourself 

There's a difference between indulging everyday and reaching a goal and rewarding yourself. You are the most important person so be selfish. You have to be able to take care of yourself before you're able to help your loved ones. It's easy for us to forgot who we are or what we loved doing because we are so caught up in our busy lives so slow yourself down and do something you enjoy. 

5. Live with less 

Responsibilities and payments are going to add up as you accumulate more things in your life. There will also be items you don't need in your life and that's a time to ask if you can get rid of it to live a less stressed life. We cause our own stress with the duties we pile up for ourselves. Find the minimalist in you to see how you can have a more enjoyable life. 

6. Reinvent yourself 

Yes I believe routine is important but it's also important to change things up. Reinventing yourself means being open minded to people, hobbies, and life in general. Growth is inherent for humans, so let yourself be free in learning about the world around you and follow your own path.   There is no right or wrong turn. It's about testing out the waters to see what you want and don't want in your life.  

7. Make goals 

Your goals don't need to be about food or health.  It can be about your finances or your career goals.  It can be as simple as wanting to start a new hobby.  Tell yourself you're going to do something and make progressive steps in reaching it.  Keep your goals to a few people or just yourself because you don't need the added pressure of others to help you reach your goal.  It could actually prevent you from reaching the goal if you have too much pressure from others.  

8. Socialize and be spontaneous

Make life enjoyable and fun.  Sometimes making it enjoyable can be found in getting out of your day or night routine. I am guilty of sticking to my routine to a T but luckily I have friends that pull me out for a fun Friday night or even to get out of my house to give myself a breather.  On the personality spectrum, I fall closer to introvert so I really do enjoy my alone time.  Occasionally, I like going on selfie dates.  You must be asking yourself what a "selfie date" is?  It's when I go out on my own to a restaurant dressed up and enjoy time to myself.  Give it a try!

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