Friday, September 25, 2015

5 Health Food Impostors

1. Flavored yogurt 
It's a great source for micronutrients and protein, but flavored yogurt is usually dosed with high levels of sugar. It could get as high as 30 grams which is 9 grams short of a typical soda drink. Open your heart to trying plain Greek yogurt and top it off with fresh fruit to give you the sweet boost. 

2. Multigrain bread
There are so many options when you go down the bread aisle and there are lots of brands that try to fool you in thinking that's it's healthy. Other fancy words are added to make you think it comes with lots of nutrients, but you're actually just buying bread dense in sugar and calories. When choosing bread, make sure to look at the ingredient list. The first ingredient should be whole wheat flour or another whole grain, not enriched or bleached flour. 

3. Sports drink
Most of the time, you will not need those highly advertised sports drinks. It's a common mistake when you go on a 30 minute run and down a sports drink because you are just reversing your workout. The high calorie sports drinks should only be taken for a run or workout longer than an hour or if you're an athlete. 

4. Nut butters
Usually peanut and almond are great choices for butters. There has been a surge of other butters coming out that are put right next to the traditional nut butters. Even though they may taste good, be cautious of those flavored butters like Nutella or the mixture of chocolate and nut butter. They come packed with more than 20 grams of sugar per serving. A nut butter should have three grams of sugar per serving since the majority of the butter should be made of nuts and salt. 

5. Cheese 
This dairy product adds lots of great flavors to dishes and is usually slathered in many of the common dishes you eat. It also typical comes high in saturated fats. Over indulging in cheese may feel great at the time, but you're canceling out its health benefits. An alternative to a healthy choice would be one with low fat and it'll still give you the high protein source with low calories. 

Now check out the recipe and video below with me using some of the healthy alternatives to the health food impostors. 

Grilled cheese kimchi sandwich:
Quick, simple, and healthy. I'm making a twist to the traditional grilled cheese sandwich. It fuses flavors of creamy cheese and bursts of pungent kimchi flavors all in one bite!  It also comes packed with 40 grams of protein for those looking for a high protein sandwich. Watch the short 11 second video for the list of ingredients, procedure, and nutrition facts. 

3 natures whole wheat bread
2 slices of light muenster cheese
1 extra large egg
1 cup baby spinach 
1/2 cup kimchi 

I used non-stick spray for the grease. Once all the food is stacked on one another, cover it with a lid and cook on low for 4 minutes on each side. Give it a try at home!

460 calories 
42g carbs
16g fat
40g protein
4g sugar 

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