Wednesday, September 16, 2015

5 Mixed Drinks to Choose for Low Calorie Options

First off, kids stay away from alcohol!  Adults, you can still enjoy your favorite mixed drinks and beverages, but just remember it's all about moderation. It has been found that one drink a day can come with health benefits; its a different story when you're consuming 5 drinks or a whole bottle of wine every other night and crying over your long lost love.  Remember, liquid calories add up very quickly especially with alcohol.  
This post is for the person that wants to be more conscious of what they are putting in their bodies when its game day or you're going out with your friends.  What exactly are you consuming? Mixed drinks are usually very dense in calories because of the high sugar  and alcohol content.  To put it in perspective of other calorie sources, one gram of alcohol is 7 calories compared to one gram of carbohydrate at 4 calories, one gram of protein at 4 calories, and one gram of fat at 9 calories. 

The following are some low calorie options:

 1.  Mojito 
The drink is usually made with rum, mint leaves, soda water, lime juice, and some sugar.  From the ingredients, you will get a refreshing drink that is low in calories.  This is one of my favorite drinks. 
2.  Rum and diet coke 
 The drink will save you a few calories if you replace regular soda with the diet alternative.  A typical shot of rum will be around 100 calories.
3.  Vanilla vodka and diet ginger ale
 The drink will give you a fizzy and slightly sweet taste without ruining your diet or if you just want to cut down on calories.  You can also go for other options of diet sodas with vodka. 
4.  Tequila and soda
 If you're more of a tequila kind of person, try adding it with any soda.  A shot of tequila is about 60-70 calories. 
5.  Gin and tonic
This choice is not a bad one because it will come around 200 calories.  You will get a fusion of bittersweet taste from the tonic and an aroma of pine from the tonic.   

In the end, you are going out because you want to enjoy your night with friends after a long week at work.  Be safe and make good choices whether you decided to choose the drinks above or occasionally have your favorite mixed drink and cold beverage.  You will be fine as long as you get back on track the next day.  Remember, water is a choice and will save you from embarrassing moments.  Cheers.

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