Monday, April 27, 2015

Fitting in a Workout During the Dog Walk

What is Snowball staring at so attentively?  She was watching me do my go-to body weight circuit workout.  Whenever I sleep in or miss my morning workout, I go to this workout after work because I know it will get my heart pumping fast and my shirt drenched in sweat!  Instead of my daily 3 mile run with her, I incorporate a simple yet effective free weight circuit in the middle of the run.  After years of doing many exercises, I've found the exercises in the circuit to be the most effective in giving me a total body workout.

The routine is the following:  I run half of the distance (1.5 miles) which gives my body a great warm-up.  Once I find a nice spot in the park, I start my 6 exercise circuit.  I perform 3 sets, each exercise is done for 1 minute each, and I take 2 minute rest periods in between sets.  It is ordered in a specific way so you give your body breaks between the high intensity exercises.  The order of the exercises are:

  1. jumping jacks
  2. push ups
  3. squats
  4. leg ups
  5. lunges
  6. burpees
After the 3 sets are finished, I do about 5 minutes of stretching.  I end the workout with a brisk run back home.  

I enjoy this workout because all you need is motivation and a timer.  Since it is a circuit, you can go at your own pace for the minute of each exercise.  Each exercise can also be modified to fit your fitness level whether it is doing knee pushups or jump squats.  Remember that it is important to have correct form when performing any of these exercises.  If you need help with form, click on the exercise above to get a YouTube video showing you how to perform the exercise.  Good luck and have fun! 

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